With the desire of showing to our guests the wonders of this territory, we want to guide on “our” splendid paths both the ones who have recently begun to hike and also the experienced hikers, who have already chosen Trekking as a healthy way of living.

Walking, as well as cycling could be considered a way of exalting a “slow” approach to life, in a way that should teach us how to breath properly while we start to discover the flora and fauna around us, the rural churches, the oil mills and historical paths (among many other things) that enrich our environment.

In Liguria and the Côte d’Azur Region the visitors can appreciate the coastline and the evident benefits it represents, but a few steps away they can enjoy a completely different scenario, where the peaks of Ligurian Alps, reaching 2000 meters of height, are a balcony on the Ligurian See just a few kilometers in the distance.

It is therefore possible to walk on the ancient Salt Paths (Vie del Sale) wich connect Piedmont to Liguria, or the abandoned military paths crossing the South-western Alps connecting Italy with France, witnessing a past that should not occur again.

Each of our hikes or cycling tours has the fundamental goal of introducing you in a slower reality. Whenever possible, we will give you the possibility to taste and experience the products of the local family-owned farms and wineries spread in and outside the hamlets and villages: you will experience something authentic and far away from “mass tourism”.

On request our certified hiking guides (native Italian speaking) are capable of accompany groups speaking German, English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

We collaborate closely with the local Surf Association Diano Surf and work together with Diano Yoga, that can be considered “twins” to us.

Even if we propose and integrate different indoor and outdoor sport activities (as the name clearly says) our common intent is to introduce you in a ACTIVE dimension, where BREATHING is the key word.

We are waiting for you!

Together with

Diano Yoga
Ponente Experience

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